Seat Multitronic DSG / CVT Transmission Controller (TCM / TCU) Repairs
Seat DSG/CVT Transmission Control Unit Issues + Repairs
Are you having issues with your Seat Automatic Transmission Unit? Did you know that the automatic transmission fitted to Seat’s is known to become faulty? Whether it’s an automatic or semi-automatic, mechatronic or S-Tronic, a DSG (Direct Shift Gearbox) or a CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission), they are all known to have this issue.
Sometimes these faults can be repaired by a simple software update or a gearbox oil change, but unfortunately, this is not always possible and generally it is due to the fault in the Transmission Control Module (TCM) or more commonly known as the Gearbox ECU.
General DSG / CVT Transmission Controller Issues
So if your car has been suffering from the above, you may have noticed that the faults can sometimes be intermittent, however it starts to get progressively worse depending on the nature of the problem. This is due to faults that have been caused by a failed Transmission Control Module (TCM), and occasionally these can be repaired. The most common faults that have been reported by our customers regarding DSG/CVT Transmission Controllers have been listed below:
- Gearbox Going Into Neutral
- Not Going Into Gear
- Loss of Reverse Gear
- “PRNDS” Light Flashing
- Limp Mode (Fail-Safe)
- Power Loss
- Jerking In/Out of Gears
- Gearbox Fails When Hot
Common TCM associated DTC Fault Codes
Unfortunately, DSG Controllers will not always bring up warning lights or fault codes; therefore it is occasionally difficult to identify a problematic DSG Controller. We have listed the most common DTC Fault codes that have been linked with DSG Transmission Controller Unit issues below:
- 18226 P1818 Pressure Control Valve 2 N216 Electric Error
- 18222 P1814 Pressure Control Valve 1 (N215), Open / Short to Ground
- 18223 P1815 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (N215), Short to B+
- 18227 P1819 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (N216), Open / Short to Ground
- 18228 P1820 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (N216), Short to B+
- 18231 P1823 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (N217), electrical malfunction
- 18232 P1824 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (N217), Open / Short to Ground
- 18233 P1825 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (N217), Short to B+
- 18236 P1828 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (N218), electrical malfunction
- 18237 P1829 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (N218), Open / Short to Ground
- 18238 P1830 Pressure Control Valve 4 (N218), Short to Plus
- 18241 P1833 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (N233), electrical malfunction
- 18242 P1834 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (N233) Open / Short to Ground
- 18243 P1835 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (N233) Short to B+
- 18246 P1838 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (N371), electrical malfunction
- 18247 P1839 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (N371) Open / Short to Ground
- 18248 P1840 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (N371) Short to B+
- 19143 P2711 Unexpected / Implausible Mechanical Gear Disengagement, Intermittent
- 17134 P0750 Control Valve 1/Solenoid Valve N88 Function Disturbance
- 17137 P0753 Control Valve 1/Solenoid Valve N88 Electric Error
- 17114 P0730 Gearshift-/ Transmission Surveillance Wrong Gear Transmission Ratio
- 18165 P1757 Power Supply, Interruption
- 17111 P0272 Rounds Count Signal From Engine ECU, No Signal
- 17090 P0706 F125 Drive Position Sensor Signal Implausible
- 17106 P0722 Gearbox Speed Sensor G195 No Signal
Seat Vehicles Affected by The Common DSG Gearbox ECU Problems
Problems with the Transmission Control Module have been known to affect all Seat DSG / CVT vehicles. Below you can find a list of Seat models that we have received units from in the past by our customers:
Vehicle | Vehicle | Vehicle | Vehicle |
Seat Alhambra | Seat Altea | Seat Ibiza | Seat Leon |
Seat Toledo | And More..! |
General Part Numbers for Seat Transmission Control Unit (TCU)
If you have researched the costs of replacing your DSG Gearbox ECU when it becomes faulty, you will probably be aware that quotes from local dealers are in the excess of £1000 + VAT, which would then also require programming at an extra cost. A standard 12 Month Warranty will also come with your new replacement part or you will have the option to replace the DSG / CVT Transmission ECU with a second-hand used part with a 30-90 day limited warranty. Again this will require programming/coding at an additional cost.
As you may expect, there are too many part numbers for the entire SEAT makes and models to list here; therefore we have compiled a broad list of the most common units that we have either exchanged or repaired for customers in the past. If you cannot see your part number on the extensive list below, then call us on 0203 815 9441 as we will still be able to test and repair your unit.
Partnumbers | Partnumbers | Partnumbers | Partnumbers |
01J 927 156 AH | 01J 927 156 BG | 01J 927 156 CG | 01J 927 156 CN |
01J 927 156 DB | 01J 927 156 FH | 01J 927 156 FK | 01J 927 156 GN |
01J 927 156 HH | 01J 927 156 HN | 01J 927 156 HF | 01J 927 156 HT |
01J 927 156 JJ | 01J 927 156 JK | 01J 927 156 JG | 8E0 910 155 F |
8E0 910 155 | 8E0 910 155 H | 8E0 910 155 K | 8E0 910 155 C |
8E0 910 155 E | 8E0 910 155 G | 8E0 910 155 J | 8E0 910 155 A |
8E0 910 155 B | 8E0 910 156 P | 8E2 910 155 B | 8E2 910 155 G |
8E2 910 155 K | 4B0 910 155 | 4B0 910 155 C | 4B0 910 155 K |
4B0 910 155 P | 4B0 910 155 F | 4B0 910 155 S | 4B0 910 155 G |
4B0 910 155 T | 4B0 910 155 D | 4B0 910 155 Q | 4B0 910 155 L |
4B0 910 155 N | 4B0 910 156 B | 4B0 910 156 G | 4B0 910 156 N |
4B0 910 156 H | 4B0 910 156 M | 4B0 910 156 J | 4B0 910 156 F |
4B0 910 156 L | 4B1 910 155 A | 4B1 910 155 B | 4B1 910 155 L |
4B1 910 155 K | 4B1 910 155 F | 4B1 910 155 G | 02E 927 770 E |
02E 927 770 G | 02E 325 025 AD | 02E 325 025 AD Z01 | 02E 325 025 AD Z02 |
02E 325 025 AD Z03 | 02E 325 025 AD Z04 | 02E 325 025 AD Z05 | 02E 325 025 AD Z06 |
02E 325 025 AD Z07 | 02E 325 025 AD Z08 | 02E 325 025 AD Z09 | 02E 325 025 AD Z0A |
02E 325 025 AD Z0B | 02E 325 025 AD Z0C | 02E 325 025 AD Z0D | 02E 300 146 D |
02E 927 770 L | 02E 927 770 AE | 02E 300 042 Q | 02E 927 770 AD |
02E 300 041 R | 02E 927 777 D | 02E 927 770 AJ | 02E 927 77O AD |
02E 927 777 OL | 02E 300 041 N | E040A004161JBLR12 | 02E 300 046 D |
02E 927 770 M | 02E 927 770 F | 02W 927 770 M | 02E 927 777 OF |
02E 927 777 OM | 02E 300 046 F | 02E 927 777 OE | 02E 300 046 K |
02E 300 146 F | P81 GF 30 00107 3102 UF | 00107455A2 | 8E0 910 159 C |
8E0 910 157 L | 8E0 910 159 A | 8E2 910 155 D | 01J 927 156 CM |
8E2 910 155 P | 01J 927 156 CS | 01J 927 156 ET | 00107375A1 |
8E2 910 156 Q | 8E1 910 155 S | 8E2 910 155 L | 8E0 910 159 |
8E0 910 156 L | 8E4 910 155 A | 01J 927 156 FA | 01J 927 156 JF |
8E2 910 155 F | 00270659 | 8E2 910 155 A | 8E0 910 157 H |
01J 927 156 AE | 01J 927 156 DS | 8E0 910 159 F | 8E0 910 156 Q |
8E0 910 155 M | 8E0 910 159 B | 01J 927 156 CF | 8E0 910 155 Q |
01J 910 156 HT | 8E0 910 156 H | 8E2 910 155 E | 01J 927 156 CT |
8E0 910 156 K | 8E5 910 155 | 8E1 910 155 B | 8E1 910 155 M |
01J 927 156 CR | 8E0 910 155 P | 8E2 910 155 C | 8E3 910 155 Q |
01J 927 156 EC | 01J 927 156 E | 4B1 910 155 D | 4F1 910 155 H |
01J 927 155 JG | 4F2 910 155 R | 4F0 910 155 M | 4F2 910 155 N |
01J 927 156 CJ | 8E1 910 155 N | 4F5 910 157 F | 01J 927 156 CB |
01J 927 156 CH | 01J 927 156 DE | 4B0 910 155 B | 4F1 910 155 F |
01J 927 156 K | 01J 927 156 FD | 01J 927 156 C45R | 4F2 910 155 S |
4F2 910 155 H | 00402417A1 | 00402417A2 | 00402305A1 |
00402528A1 | 00107428A3 | 00401493A2 | 00402418A1 |
00402418A3 | 00107491A2 | 00107492A2 | 00107425A3 |
00107436A1 | 00107426A3 | 00107432A3 | 00107433A2 |
00107476A2 | 00107477A2 | 00107479A2 | 00107481A2 |
00107484A2 | 00107431A4 | 00401497A2 | 00402418A2 |
00402302A1 | 00107181A4 | 00107188A5 | 00402193A1 |
00107186A4 | 00107186A5 | 00107186A3 | 00008979A4 |
00008997A5 | 00008997A6 | 00008976A5 | 00008976A4 |
00107261A2 | 00107376A2 | 00107197A4 | 00107399A2 |
00008977A7 | 00008979A7 | 00402193A3 | 00107183A4 |
00008996A8 | 00107382A1 | 00107197A3 | 00008959A9 |
00107181A6 | 00008959A8 | 00107378A2 | 00402193A5 |
00008976A7 | 00008977A5 | 00008977A6 | 00402193A2 |
00107425A2 | 00107437A1 | 00107438A1 | 00107444A2 |
00107432A2 | 00402303A1 | 00107486A2 | 00107428A2 |
00107489A2 | 00107426A2 | 00107425A1 | 00107486A3 |
00107438A2 | 00107438A3 | 00107437A2 | 00402304A1 |
00107410A4 | 00401499A2 | 00401499A1 | 00107399A1 |
00107183A6 | 00402417A5 | 00107426A1 | 00107376A1 |
00008976A3 | 00107183a7 | 00107188A4 | 00107375A2 |
00107183A5 | 00402125A3 | 00402125A1 | 00402193A6 |
00008979A5 | 00107181A5 | 00008976A8 | 00008959B3 |
00107452A1 | 00402516A1 | 00402516A4 | 00107430A3 |
00107441A2 | 00107488A2 | 00401030A2 | 00402525A1 |
00401488A2 | 00107495A3 | 00402516A3 | 00401149A3 |
00107485A2 | 00107475A3 | 00107475A2 | 00107441A3 |
00401641A2 | 00402301A1 | 00402418A6 | 00107432A1 |
00402418A5 | 00107502A3 | 00107430A2 | 00402519A1 |
00107428A1 | 00107437A3 | 00402309A1 | 00107480A3 |
00107410A3 | 00107433A3 | 00107436A2 | 00107441A1 |
00107433A1 | 00401491A2 | 00107483A2 | 318959 |
00402300A1 | 00107188A7 | 00107434A3 | 00008977A8 |
00107487A3 | 00107444A3 | 00107198A3 | 00107436A3 |
00008976A6 | 00402524A1 | 00401488A1 | 00008992A6 |
00107424A3 | 00107434A2 | 00107479A3 | 00107487A2 |
00008996A7 | 00401492A2 | 00107188A6 | 00402516A5 |
00107430A1 | 00008959A7 | 00107280A1 | 00107281A2 |
00107315A1 | 00107483A3 | 00402417A3 | 00107484A3 |
00107281A1 | 00402516A6 | 00402523A1 | 00107376A3 |
00107261A3 | 00107379A1 | 00107184A4 | 00107431A3 |
00107444A1 | 00402516A7 | 00107429A2 | 00107424A1 |
00107495A2 | 8E4 910 155 B | 8E0 910 155 S | 4B0 910 155 M |
8E1 910 155 F | 8E3 910 155 E | 4F0 910 157 K | 8E3 910 155 F |
01J 927 156 CL | 01J 927 156 JH | 01J 927 156 JE | 8E3 910 155 G |
4B1 910 155 E | 4B1 910 155 N | 4B1 910 155 J | 4F1 910 155 D |
4F5 910 155 R | 8E0 910 157 J | 4F0 910 157 J | 8E2 910 156 B |
8E0 910 155 N | 8E2 910 155 H | 4F1 910 155 B | 8E0 910 155 T |
4F1 910 155 E | 8E1 910 155 T | 4B1 910 156 D | 8E3 910 155 T |
4B1 910 156 F | 01J 927 156 CQ | 8E1 910 155 L | 4F5 910 155 S |
01J 927 156 CE | 8E1 910 155 P | 4B1 910 156 E | 4F2 910 155 G |
8E0 910 155 R | 8E3 910 155 R | 8E5 910 155 J | 8E2 910 155 Q |
4F9 910 155 B | 01J 927 156 DR | 4B1 910 155 Q | 8E3 910 155 J |
4F5 910 157 H | 4E0 910 156 P | 4F2 910 155 D | 4F1 910 155 P |
8E3 910 155 H | 4F9 910 155 D | 4F5 910 157 D | 4F5 910 155 Q |
My Seat Has a DSG TCM Module Fault – Can SINSPEED Help Me?
We are proud to advise that here at Sinspeed, we are able to fully bench test all transmission controllers with our latest Automatic Transmission Controller Testing equipment. Not only this, but we also hold all major components in stock to carry out immediate repairs, and include programming/coding the unit within our cost before returning this to you, making it fully Plug + Play! All you need to do is post you part to us, we will diagnose the issue and either repair or replace it – then it will be sent back to you fully functional without the additional costs of expensive dealer/coding programming required.
On top of that, we also offer LIFETIME Warranty on all of our DSG / CVT Gearbox ECU’s! So if your Seat is suffering with DSG problems, give us a call today on 0203 815 9441 and find out how we can help you!
Additional Remapping Services for DSG Transmission Controllers
Did you know that your DSG Gearbox ECU can also be remapped? As well as providing a full Transmission ECM Repair + Replacement service, we offer a remapping service where by fine-tuning the mapping of the DSG Controller, we can optimise its performance to provide a more enhanced driving experience. Benefits include Smoother Gear Change with Zero Hesitation as well as a 20% increase in Gear Shift Speeds with Zero Lag! It will be applied to your unit at the same time as the repair; therefore will still be fully Plug + Play. You can find more information regarding our DSG Remapping Services here.
If you feel that you may have a faulty TCM Unit and are looking for a diagnosis or require your DSG Gearbox ECU to be repaired or replaced, give us a call today on 0203 815 9441.

Ajaz is a seasoned automotive electronics engineer with deep expertise in remanufacturing vehicle electronics. He has developed skills in all areas of the automotive field, from rebuilding hydraulic steering components, and mechanical gearboxes and reworking intricate vehicle electronics. Ajaz also acquired Bodyteq, a London-based vehicle bodyshop where he has developed extensive knowledge in automotive refinishing.
Alongside his automotive career, Ajaz has built a career in the IT industry, gaining accredited certification as an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, Cloud Architect, and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) specialist.
(Mexico model year) 2009 seat altea freetrack 2.0 turbo 211 hp gsm having almost all symptoms you mention, can you give an approximate cost of repair? can ship (and receive) from california US
Hi Horacio
Thanks for the enquiry,
We do a lot of work for customers across the world and many of our customers are situated in the United States of America so that is not an issue for us. I have sent you an email just now with full pricing and information to remanufacture your unit with a Lifetime warranty.
Kind Regards
Hello ,
I was having with a similar of above mentioned problem , where my Seal Leon mod 2009 suddenly put in Neutral, only work on reverse mode , error code : P0721 transmission output speed sensor G195 , so i had to change the whoe DSG. My car now is working fine , however the Fault is still the same and all PRNDS is flushing . we have tried ti change the TCM but still not able to clear the error. Please need you assistance
Hello Robin,
Thank you for your enquiry,
I have just sent over an email now with pricing and further information regarding a TCM Module for your Seat Leon.
Kind Regards,
Hi I am facing the problem where the car is not going into gear it’s 2011 seat leon am not able to figure the part number or where to find it.
Can you guys help?
Hi Kareem
Thanks for the enquiry,
It’s a fairly common issue on this vehicle and one we’ve been able to test for and repair. We’ve sent an email with some pricing and information but I’m afraid I cannot confirm the part number of your unit as they can vary. Your mechanic can confirm this on removing your unit but also if he has VCDS (VAG-COM) it will appear on the diagnostic system.
Kind Regards
I have problem with seat Toledo 2013 and mechanic says that is the module, do you know where I can buy it or if there is a remanufactured part?.
kind regards.
Hi Felipe
Thanks for the enquiry,
We have sent you an email with full information and pricing.
Kind Regards
Hi. My 09 seat ibiza DSG has been having issues like this. Where it says what gear I’m in on the dashboard it just goes blank and it goes out of gear whilst driving. Does it sound like the transmission controller? I am having a diagnostic test on it as engine warning light is on also
Hello Mark,
Thank you for your enquiry,
We have sent you an email with full details and pricing, we hope this helps.
Kind Regards
EJ62CVG is a seat leon which suddenly wouldn’t go into or rev in reverse. In forward gear it is will move in first gear and the engine will rev up but it wont change up gear..
can you help and at what cost?
Donald Paterson
Hey Donald!
Thanks for reaching out to us. I have forwarded your enquiry to the relevant department & they will answer your enquiry via Email soon.