07 Aug, 15

Citroen C4 Electric Power Steering Pump – Exchange & Repairs Available!

Citroen C4 Power Steering Pump FaultsMany problems have known to occur with the Citroen C4 Electric Power Steering pump, which usually causes the complete loss of power steering. Many complaints have been reported regaring this specific unit, advising that it tends to start with an intermittent loss of power, which progresses gradually. This issue has known to burn out the motor inside the pump, as well as the controlling circuitry, as the electric power steering pump continues to stay on even when the vehicle is turned off. Obviously, this causes the unit to drain the battery and increases the amount of failures that can occur with the electric power steering.

Local garages or dealers may advise you that the whole unit will need to replaced, however, as many customers are aware, these can work out to be extremely expensive especially as the unit may also require coding or programming.

My Citroen C4 Power Steering Pump is faulty – How can Sinspeed Help?
As we are aware of the fault that exists within the pump that causes it to stay on, we permanently repair this when fixing the Citroen C4 Electric Power Steering pump to ensure it never comes up again! Due to the high demand of these units, we have now started to carry these in stock, so you can also opt to exchange this with your old unit, and it will also come with Lifetime Warranty.

Fitting services are also available. Please call us today on 0203 815 9441 for further information.

Tags : Citroen C4, Citroen C4 Battery Drain, Citroen C4 Battery Keeps Draining, Citroen C4 Electric Power Steering Pump, Citroen C4 electric pump, Citroen C4 electric steering, Citroen C4 Heavy Steering, Citroen C4 No Power Steering, Citroen C4 Power Steering Problems, Citroen C4 Power Steering Pump, Citroen C4 Power Steering Pump Failure, Citroen C4 Power Steering Pump Faults.
34 thoughts on “Citroen C4 Electric Power Steering Pump – Exchange & Repairs Available!
  • Hi Im from south Africa i have the same issue with my 2006 c4 1.6 petrol. Power steering pump failure. if you can assist with your details and prices. Thanx

    • Hi Lindsay

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      I have sent you an email with full information and pricing.

      Kind Regards


    • Hi Tommy

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We do post to Northern Ireland. I have sent you an email with full information and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hello, I’m from Brazil and I have a C4 sallon 2006.
    The eletric pump of my car sometimes works and sometimes don’t work.
    When this problem starts, when I turn off my car and turn on again, the pump went back to work. But, recently, it don’t have a pattern. I turn on te car, it can to work or not. When I am driving, the pump stops to work and etc.
    Is it possible fix the problem? May you say same explanations? How do you work at distance?

    • Hello Katryson

      Thanks for getting in touch,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi, my C4 2005 vtr started off being stiff for a few mins then ok for rest of journey. Now it’s started happening more often whining noise sometimes works sometimes doesn’t.fliud level correct

    • Hello Chris

      Thanks for getting in touch,

      We have sent you an email with more details and full pricing.

      Kind Regards


    • Hello Phil

      Thank you for your enquiry,

      We have sent you an email with more details.

      Kind Regards


    • Hello Andy

      Thank you for your enquiry,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kindest Regards


  • Hi, I am having issues with my powersteering, do you have units in stock and if so, what is the price of a unit shipped to Spain, also, my car is LHD C4 VTS 2008

    • Hi Sergio C

      Thanks for reaching out,

      We are sending you an email with full information and pricing. If you have any further queries, please feel free to get back in touch.

      Kind Regards

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