20 Nov, 14

Vauxhall Easytronic Gearbox Clutch Actuator Repairs

Vauxhall Easytronic Clutch Actuator TestingVauxhall Easytronic Clutch Actuator Repairs
The Easytronic Gearbox Clutch Actuator is a very common failing part and the same common failing part has been found fitted to the entire Vauxhall range of Easytronic vehicles. The unit is coded to the vehicle so replacing it with a used second-hand part is not really an option without paying additional coding / programming charges at the dealers.

* Most dealers will not code / program a used part.

Common Easytronic Transmission Clutch Actuator Problems
The most common fault from a failed Easytronic Transmission Clutch Actuator is the F sign on the dash. The sign will be either flashing or solid. Below we’ve listed just a few of the most common symptoms we’ve seen with these types of units.

  • “F” Sign On Dash (Solid)
  • “F” Sign On Dash (Flashing)
  • “N” Sign On Dash (Solid)
  • “N” Sign On Dash (Flashing
  • Car Not Starting

Common Vauxhall Vehicles Affected By The Clutch Actuator Problems
This fault has been found in all Vauxhall vehicles fitted with the Easytronic gearbox setup. Below we’ve listed 6 of the most common vehicles we’re getting each week in our workshop for Clutch Actuator Repairs.

Vauxhall AstraVuaxhall CorsaVauxhall Meriva
Vauxhall SignumVauxhall TigraVauxhall Vectra
Vauxhall Zafira

Common Vauxhall Easytronic Gearbox Clutch Actuator Part Numbers
The clutch actuator are manufactured with a variety of part numbers, some of which are interchangeable and some which aren’t. Two identical vehicles can have clutch actuators with different part numbers making them not interchangeable and so there is always this risk when buying second hand used parts. Below we’ve listed some of the common part numbers we’re seeing from units being sent in to us.

Part NumberPart Number

Once the clutch actuator fails, your local dealer will quote you in excess of £700 +VAT, Labour and Programming. The new replacement unit will only come with a standard 12 month warranty. Second hand (used) parts will be a bit cheaper but will also require coding / programming using dealer level equipment at an additional cost and come with a limited 30-90 day warranty. Some dealers will not offer to code second hand used parts and urge you to buy a brand new part.

My Vauxhall Gearbox Clutch Actuator Is Faulty – How Can SINSPEED Help Me?
We’re able to fully bench test + repair the clutch actuators from most makes of vehicles and have extensive experience testing and repairing the Vauxhall Easystronic Clutch Actuators. We use new genuine OEM components when rebuilding clutch actuators to ensure that each and every rebuilt actuator meets & exceeds OE specifications.

All of our remanufactured clutch actuators come with a Lifetime warranty and we guarantee no programming will be required. The unit will be returned completely plug & play!

If you have a faulty Vauxhall Easystronic Gearbox Clutch Actuator and are looking for a repair or replacement of your damaged Actuator unit then give us a call today on 0203 815 9441.

Tags : Astra H Gearbox Clutch Actuator Repairs, Easytronic Actuator Repairs, Vauxhall Clutch Actuator Faults, Vauxhall Easytronic Actuator Problems.
245 thoughts on “Vauxhall Easytronic Gearbox Clutch Actuator Repairs
  • Hi could you tell me how much it would be to repair or replace my meriva 2006 actuator as its showing a f on the dashboard and won’t change gear.

    • Hello Laura

      Thanks for getting in touch,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing about your query.

      Kind Regards


    • Hello Adrian

      Thanks for getting in touch,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hello how much to have my vauxhall corsa comfort 1.2 2002 easytronic clutch actuator rebuilt as its displaying an f and car wont start

    • Hello Kiren

      Thanks for getting in touch,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi I have a Vauxhall Astra 54 plate and need a quote for an easytronic semi auto clutch acuator to be re furbished can you please let me know the cost, i have tried calling but no answer, and can you let me know the turn around time please.

    • Hello Paul

      Thanks for getting in touch

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • I have a 55 plate meriva with flashing f could supply a quote for repair on could you take car to fix regards Kelvin

    • Hello Kelvin

      Thanks for getting in touch.

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi there,

    Can you please tell me how much to remove repair and refit the easytronic actuator on my 57 zaffira please.



    • Hello Neil

      Thanks for getting in touch with us,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • hi, can you please give me a quote for repairing a clutch actuator for vaxuall astra 1.6 2007 easytronic/semi automatic. What is the process and how long it takes? Thank you

    • Hello Arif

      Thank you for your enquiry,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • My 2005 1.6 Vauxhall Astra has failed and is Displaying the F on the dash can you tell me the price to Repair the Actuator and the turnaround Time please.

    • Hello Michael

      Thank you for your enquiry,

      We have sent you an email with full details and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi
    My vauxhall 2011 semi auto giving a flashing sign of “F” and didn’t start. When checked with the code reader its a problem with clutch actuator position control unit (P1607). How much will you take to fix it if i drop the clutch actuator to the shop if possible.

    • Hey Mani!
      Thanks for reaching out!
      Your enquiry has been forwarded to the relevant department & they will be contacting you via email soon.

  • Please can you Quote for Refurbishing my clutch actuator on an 05 Vauxhall Astra please , many Thanks

    • Hello Stephen!
      Thanks for contacting us. I have forwarded your enquiry to our relevant department & they will reach out to you soon via email.


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