Audi TT Quattro ABS Pumps & Modules Repaired
The Audi TT is fitted with (most commonly) a BOSCH ABS pump & controller, also known as ECU or Module. We’ve found that the most common faults with these is no communication and fault codes such as P1649 which relates to data bus / data link communication errrors from the ABS control module. So far on these units we’ve repaired the following faults:
- No Communication
- Data Bus / Data Link Errors (P1649)
- ABS Light On Dash
- Juddering When Braking
The last few we’ve seen had the common P1649 fault which is also a fault code shared with VW’s and refers to the same problem (Implausible Signal From ABS Control Module). Audi’s & VW’s are very well known now for their weak ABS pumps & control modules so it’s not uncommon if you’ve got an Audi and your ABS light is on, get it checked out by an auto-electrician and if it does turn out to be a faulty ABS unit then call us with the part numbers. We could possibly have one sitting on the shelf ready to exchange or repair your own unit. All our products & services are fully backed by our 1Yrs warranty.
When your ABS unit fails or you can see the ABS light lit up on your dash board, you should take caution when driving because this means the ABS pump will not pump the brakes. In some cases it will not effect normal driving, but we have seen on many new vehicles with ABS & Traction Control in one that the vehicle becomes somewhat unstable when the module is not working. Also, you must remember that if the ABS pump is not pumping, then the brakes efficiency will be greatly effected under heavy braking. It is advised that you should only drive the vehicle if you really have to when the ABS light or Traction light is on to be absolutely safe. If you’re unsure, call us for more information on 0203 815 9441.
We are repairing ABS pumps & ecu’s on a daily basis so if you think yours has failed, or your not sure then give us a call with your part numbers and we’ll tell you how much it will cost and the turn around time. As a general guideline we aim to repair all units within 48-72 hours, however, this may vary and we will always notify you of any changes.
If you do decide to send your unit in to us, we do ask that you keep the module attached to the pump and send both parts into us so that we can do a complete test on both the pump & module at the same time. There is no extra charge for this service.

Ajaz is a seasoned automotive electronics engineer with deep expertise in remanufacturing vehicle electronics. He has developed skills in all areas of the automotive field, from rebuilding hydraulic steering components, and mechanical gearboxes and reworking intricate vehicle electronics. Ajaz also acquired Bodyteq, a London-based vehicle bodyshop where he has developed extensive knowledge in automotive refinishing.
Alongside his automotive career, Ajaz has built a career in the IT industry, gaining accredited certification as an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, Cloud Architect, and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) specialist.
Hi, have the Stabilty Warning light on intermittantly, (Mk 1 V6 Manual TT Conv – 05) Dealer non committal but mentionjed ABS, ABS light NOT on however. All other checks OK. Only seems to occur when really hot in traffic, fan OK, engine cooling and A/C all OK. Temp shows normal. Any ideas welcome, currently booked into specialist later this week for an investigate prior to planned trip to Italy next week.
Many thanks, John
Hi John,
Yeah it could be linked to the ABS Controller as it does operate the traction / stability control as well. We do repair these units, we’re currently taking in 3-4 of these Audi TT ones every week so they’re fairly common. If you need a quote, please call us on 0203 815 9441 or email us with your contact number and we’ll get someone in our team to give you a call back.
Thanks for your enquiry.
Sinspeed Ltd
Hello, I have a Audi TT 225 BHP Quattro year 2000 with ESP etc. My ABS light is on constant also my ESP light is on constant. After looking at your site I decided to strip out my air box etc to get some numbers off my control module/pump etc VW DEC TA 10.0204-0228.4 06540812507002 RE 0532 01324329? (Battery Disconnected) While I had access to the pump I decided to remove the main connector block from the module to check the connections etc (by dropping the module off the 3 mounting bolts) they looked ok so I reconnected the block connection and bolts and put it all back together. now I have no central display working on dash (OK etc) no fuel/ temp guages working I guess no ignition feed to dash? The car fires up when you are cranking the starter but cuts out in ignition on position? what have I done? I need it to run to fix ABS/ESP fault please can you help Thanks Nic
Hi Nic,
The modules do all handshake together, however, having the ABS pump disconnected will not stop the vehicle from starting or staying started. It would at most bring up the ABS light(s) and fault code "no communication" because there is nothing on the end of the loom. I would go over everything that was touched and anything in the surrounding areas to see if it could be something you knocked. Check fuses & relays. Did you at any point connect the battery terminals the wrong way round?
Thanks for reading.
Best Regards,
Tech Team
Sinspeed Ltd
I have a customer with a P1649 error on a ABS module, we have cleared all the connections and managed to gain access to the module, the module itself has an internal error in which we need repairing, its a ATE ABS Control Module 8N0 907 379 E
Kind regards
Peterville & Dales
Hi Matthew
Thank you for your enquiry,
This is a very common failure and an easy repair for us. I’m unable to list prices here on our public pages but if you could send across an email or alternatively call us on 0203 815 9441 we’d be able to quote for you. All units are now returned with a Lifetime warranty and no programming required – simply Plug ‘n Play.
Hope this helps.
Kindest Regards
Support Team
I have an audi tt 1.8 225 quatro turbo and after driving for about 10mins my ABS and traction light come on in yellow and my brake light on in red. I have taken it to a garrage snd they have told me its my ABS pump and hace qouted me £1000 for the part . The car is driving ok and brakes working ok, Pleave advise if this is an accurate quote
Hi Michelle
Thank you for your enquiry,
You have been quoted for a brand new unit which is about right but we can remanufacture your existing unit for a fraction of that price and offer you a Lifetime warranty as a pose to a standard 1 year warranty which you’d expect to get with new replacement parts.
For pricing, please contact our support team via email or call us on 0203 815 9441. – We also offer a FREE collect & return service, dependant on your location.
Kindest Regards
Admin Team
Hi I have a 2004 audi tt 225 where engine management light is constantly on. error code says implausible speed signal. is this related to the abs module. I have no other warning lights on.
Hi Jon
May not be ABS pump related, it could just be one of the speed sensors has failed. The fault code will generally relate to which sensor has failed and on that vehicle you should be able to find replacement sensors fairly easily from a local parts place.
Kindest Regards
Admin Team
Hi, I have a 51 plate Audi tt 225 Quattro with the Bam engine. The ESP light is lit on dash (not abs light) I have scanned the car and it is coming up with an abs fault code 00812 – brake pressure release solenoid/sensor. The code is constant and will not reset. Is this an abs pump fault?
Many thanks Liam
Hi Liam
Yes, you can send the pump in for repair. To get a quote please call us on 0203 815 9441 or alternatively please email us.
Kind Regards
Admin Team
Hi, I have a mk 1 tt yr 2000 225 bhp , I have had a battery drain for quite some time now , driving me mad , but we have finally traced it to the abs nodule, the code reader says no communication , is this an easy fix? Is it easy to remove abs module, regards Paul
Hi Paul
Thanks for the enquiry,
Battery draining problems can be a fault with the ABS Module and it is a fault we’ve see and repaired with the Audi TT units in the past. They are fairly straight forward to remove and refit but being part of the braking system we always recommend it is fitted by a competent mechanic as they will be required to fully bleed the braking system. We’ve sent over an email to you with some prices and further information.
Kind Regards
Hi, Please will you let me know costs involved for you to refurbish an ABS controller/pump from my Audi TT 1.8 coupe 180BHP year 2000? The abs light is on and juddering occurs when braking heavily and occasionally there is no power at all on the brake pedal making it difficult to stop at junctions etc.
Kind regards,
Carole Smith
Hi Carole
Thanks for the enquiry,
We’ve sent you an email with full pricing and information.
Kind Regards
Hi there please help me!!
Taken my audi tt 2001 in for m.o.t.
Failed on suspension rods.
Just had them done and got though the m.o.t. went to pick up car and the ABS light and ESP light are on the dash.. they stay on untill I turn of the engine. And start again they go off. But after 10-15mins they came back on..
These lights have never came up before. Untill now. Was told by the garage this has nothing to do with them fixing the suspension bars. And they not touch it. But the lights did not come up before?
And also I have said this would not of passed with these lights on!!
Soat the moment im a bit stuck asthey want payment.. and are saying theselights must ofjuat came on!!
But showed them soon as I went to pick it up. So atthe moment I have the car not paid them and still have the lights on..
Any adivse please. .
Hello Gary,
Thank you for your enquiry.
I have sent over an email now with further information.
Kind Regards,
Hi, i am thinking of buying a 1999 Tt 180bhp. It needs a new abs module. Can you tell me how much please?
Hello Allan,
Thank you for your enquiry and many apologies for the delay in our response.
We have sent over an email now with some further information regarding the prices for the repair of the ABS module.
Kind Regards