21 Mar, 16

Citroen Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve / EGR Delete Service

Citroen EGR Valve Delete ServiceCitroen EGR Valve Faults + Problems
Does your Citroen smoke on acceleration? Or do you find your Citroen loses power whilst driving on the motorway? These are just some of the indications that your EGR Valve may be blocked. The EGR valve was created to allow exhaust gasses to recirculate into the engine, in order for them to be re-burnt before being released into the atmosphere. In essence, this is ideal as it reduces vehicle emissions, however, eventually, it can start causing issues. As mentioned above, due to the build-up of carbon in the inlet manifold and engine, as well as around the engine valves, causes a decrease in the power output of the engine and smoking issues.

EGR valve failures are known to be very common on Diesel Citroen’s. They were much easier to bypass on older models, however, newer models are equipped with more sophisticated systems where the engine ECU’s are programmed to be able to tell when the EGR has been bypassed/blanked off, bringing up fault codes, warning lights and even causing the vehicle to go into ‘Limp Mode’ to restrict the performance.

Common problems of a failing Citroen EGR Valve
If your Citroen is suffering any of the issues listed below, they could be indicating that your EGR valve has either failed or is blocked:

  • Smoke on Acceleration
  • Loss of Power
  • Missfire
  • Fluttering On Acceleration
  • EGR Flap Position Sensor Faults

The obvious option with a failing EGR valve would be to replace it, however, this can work out to be very expensive and may not even completely fix the problem in the long term. As the exhaust gasses are constantly recirculated, it is inevitable that over time, the valve will get sticky due to carbon build up, going on to cause problems. Therefore, if replacing the EGR valve for a new unit, it is recommended that it is removed and cleaned thoroughly with every other service to ensure it is maintained.

The other option would be to delete the EGR valve from the engine ECU by programming it to stay shut at all times, and by blanking it off, it ensures that it does not recirculate exhaust gasses into the inlet / engine. If the EGR is programmed to remain shut at all times, it will stop any fault codes and warning lights appearing, as well as any ‘Limp Mode’ problems.

Citroen Blocked EGR IssuesCitroen EGR Delete Service by Sinspeed
Here at Sinspeed, we offer a completely bespoke and safe EGR Delete service involving the complete deactivation of the EGR Valve system. By logging into the vehicle’s on-board engine management system via the ECU, we are able to switch off the EGR valve to ensure it stays off at all times. This then means that the gasses will no longer recirculate into the engine and therefore, will stop it from clogging up. When done correctly, it will also ensure that no fault codes or warning lights appear, as well as no power loss.

Below we have compiled a list of Citroen’s we currently offer the EGR delete service for. If your vehicle is not listed below, please contact us on 0203 815 9441 to confirm if it is one we can offer an EGR delete for.

CitroenC3 Picasso1.6HDi
CitroenC4 Coupe1.6HDi
CitroenC4 Coupe2.0HDi
CitroenC4 Grand Picasso1.6HDi
CitroenC4 Grand Picasso2.0HDi
CitroenC4 Picasso1.6HDi
CitroenC4 Picasso2.0HDi
CitroenDS52.0HDi Hybrid4
CitroenXsara Picasso1.6HDi

Tags : Citroen EGR Bypass, Citroen EGR Delete, Citroen EGR Faults, Citroen EGR Problem, Citroen EGR Problems, Citroen EGR Removal Edit.
48 thoughts on “Citroen Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve / EGR Delete Service
  • do you work the south of england ==a frend of mine has hdi c3 picaso 2010 year misses at idol some times bit of smoke but no fault light yet she lives rh6 neer gatwic airport , any ider of cost or egr disabling . im going to be taking over maintenance//repaires for her as she now split up wit her hubby and cost is issue with 2 kids

    • Hi Lee

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      I have sent you an email with full information and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi,
    Can you provide a price for this please, also if you can let me know your availability and location?

    Thanks and kind regards

    • Hi Richard

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We have sent you an email, kindly respond with your postal code for a customised quotation.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi i have a c4 grand picasso 1.6hdi 2007 can you give Me a price for the egr deleate please thank you

    • Hi Paul

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We have sent you an email – kindly respond with your postal code for a customised quotation.

      Kind Regards


    • Hi Albert

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      I have sent you an email – kindly respond with your postal code for a customised quotation.

      Kind Regards


    • Hi Carl

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We have sent you an email – kindly respond with your postal code for a customised quotation.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi can you give e cost of deleting egr on Citroen ds4 2.0hdi 2012 and location thanks

    • Hi

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We have sent you an email with full information and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Ho do you know anybody in Johannesburg south africa that does it. My car has now gone through its 3rd EGR and with the cost of citroen spares and service it costs About 50% of the cars value to do it

    • Hi Mark

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We do offer our services in South Africa. I have sent you an email with full information and pricing.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi i have a citrorn relay 2.2 2012 i want egr delete . Fitted two Valves and still have egr flow problem . Egr seems to not work . I had same with transit this was deleted ok . Wondering if relay can be done the same . Thanks mac

    • Hi Mac

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We have sent you an email, kindly respond with your vehicle registration and postal code for a customised quotation.

      Kind Regards


  • Hi,
    I am in Nottingham. What is the price for the EGR deletion service for a Citroen C8 2.0 HDi?
    Kind regards,

    • Hi Edward

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      I have sent you an email with full information and pricing for our EGR Delete services in Nottingham.

      Kind Regards


  • hi pal i have a citroen c4 1.6hdi with a 50/50 map on. can the full egr deletion still be done with current map and whats the price please mate

    • Hi Tom

      Thanks for the enquiry,

      We can perform the EGR delete without you having to lose the current map on the ECU. I have sent you an email, please respond with your vehicle registration and postal code for a customised quotation.

      Kind Regards


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